Mobirise Website Builder

where house music comes alive

About Lagune, And more...

Mobirise Website Builder
Edition 1

Our first edition found place on January 13th 2024. We saw an intrest in house music and wanted to try our luck in organizing our first event. The outcome was interesting to say. we did not know how many people to expect but 50 came that evening.


At first Lagune was meant to be a liquid dnb party. with the genre liquid dnb we were looking a lot into the liquid part when thinking about a name. Thats how Lagune was founded named after a... LAGUNE!


Lagune Lounge is a new concept of us. We wanted to try a different setting for our brand. Instead of having a party like event we wanted to take it easy and get everyone together in a relaxed setting.

Mobirise Website Builder
Behind the scene

Organizing an event on such scale takes time and effort. Think about the live stream setup. lighting setup, sound and much more.

© lagune.World - [email protected]